Jumat, 12 November 2010

What I wish for NOW :]

Talk about wish , there would be no end :)
But I want to share simply what I want for NOW :)
I wish..hmm..
There would be SECRET 2. Sequel of SECRET. Jay Chou movieees definitelyy! ♥
There's a rumor that Jay will make the sequel! Wish there will gonna be! YAY! :D
I wish there would be an ISWAK 3 :D
ISWAK 3 is It started with a kiss 3 , sequel of "It started with a kiss" and the sequel "They Kiss Again"
ISWAK 1 and 2 was basic to the japan manga "Itazura Na Kiss" that also has made it Japan dramas. (hoho)
Fyuhh , I'm so love this dramaaa! (ISWAK i mean) :D
Ariel Lin and Joe Cheng was totally so match!♥
Wondering why not they become a real couple? lols :p
Well, what I wish is that . How about you? :D

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