Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

MY AWESOME satnite! ;]

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Hey people,nice to meet you again! :)
How's your sunday? :]
Going to tell you about tonight, my awesome satnite♥
As I have told you before,I spent my satnite at home with dvd ing ;)
The movie that I saw last night is "A walk to remember"
Wow, you know what?
As I've predicted it before,the movie REALLY REALLY  AWESOME guys!!
I don't know but yeah,maybe it's being the best movie ever in my life!
People say : "Movie that never gets old -> A walk to remember" and I'm definitely tell them "YOU'RE RIGHT!"
Well,Mandy Moore and Shane West has a good cooperation! They made the movie was like alive and especially, when they act , they do with all part of their heart.Also my daddy said that they are so similar♥
Nicholas Sparks also the best author :)
He's so awesome!
Many books that he has written is BEST SELLER and most of them be a movie
I can't tell you how love I am of reading a book and if you ask me who is my favorite author,
I think "Nicholas Sparks" be the only one answer for your question ♥

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